Gabrielle Coco Chanel

Born on the 19th August 1883 and passed on 10th January 1971. Gabrielle Coco Chanel. The female that introduced myself, and a lot of other people, into the world of fashion. At 12 years old Gabrielle would be sent to an orphanage with her siblings where she spent almost seven years of her life. The covent, placed in front of the orphanage where she stayed, inspired her and her strong taste for black and white. Gabrielle spent her young adult years sewing, and her nights singing in a cabaret where she gained the nickname, “coco” as she often sang the song. “Who has seen Coco”. Pretending to be given the nickname from her father. During these young adult years of her life she dressed like no other women of that time, and wore garments inspired by the men. She stripped the birds and feathers off of the hats and made them more simpler, more Chanel. Gabrielle’s first clients were working girls, as higher society didn’t understand, but they soon followed. During her life Gabrielle had many lovers, but her longest relationship with Boy Capel ended when he got into a tragic car accident, the first and last time Gabrielle was seen to cry. “Either i die aswell” she said “or i finish what we started”. The man of her dreams. He introduced her to literature and more, making her Chanel. Boy financed her first boutique and inspired her style. Gabrielle eventually created a revolution, transforming the silhouettes of women’s garments. She shortened dresses, revealing ankles and freeing the waist by eliminating corsets. Gabrielle had closed one era and launched a new century of fashion. In 1918 Gabrielle opened her first couture house at 31 Rue Cambon. This once orphaned girl had become the face of fashion for Paris and liberated women. 
Gabrielle had a hard time dealing with critics as society did not appreciate her art and deemed it not fit to be couture. It was not until she was long into her career where she decided to revive her collections. The french press were not so kind and impressed by her collection, but the American press loved her and from thereon Chanel had become Chanel. 
In 1921 Chanel had created Chanel no5, the first of its kind. “A women’s perfume with a women’s scent”. Ernest beaux a perfume extraordinar gave Gabrielle a bouquet over over 80 scents. Number 5 received its name as Gabrielle preferred the 5th sample Ernest Beaux presented to her. No5 had become an icon of the 20th century. The fragrance had soon spread and became the best selling fragrance in the world. 
Gabrielle Coco Chanel, the women who changed women’s style and brought a new level of class and chique to the world.    

Men and their impact on the fashion industry